Wednesday, 22 February 2017


This is an area of life that has robbed many of their academic future. Relationship talks about your friends. Friendship has robbed many of their academic destinies. It is often said that " your friends determine your end in life"
The scripture state that " he that walks with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed " . Proverb 13:20

So it follows that when you walk with unserious students who don't know where they are going, they will influence you and you will begin to behave like them.
There is a saying " show me your friend and I will tell you who you are ". And proverb 27:17 says " iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friends "

The less you associate with people, the more your life will improve. This means that you become like this with whom you closely associate - for good and the bad. An important attributes of academic high flyer is their impatience with unserious and failure minded people.

If you run with wolves you will learn how to howl. But if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights. Decide today to associate with only those that will motivate you towards achieving your academic target. Friendship is not by force but by choice .i decided long time ago that nobody will chooses me as a friend, I'm the one to choose my friends. And I only chose quality people not mediocrities.

Friend any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. Your prayer each day should be for God to deliver you from people who are lazy and unserious with their education but to grant you the companionship of those who are diligent and passionate about getting to the top. Please note that friendship is not just for association or socialisation but for the realization of your destination.

Understand what I Am saying. I am not asking you to hate people. After all God commanded us to love everybody. All I'm saying is don't stick to everybody. Stick to correct people that will help you ascend your academic throne. In choosing your friends, the quantity is not important but the quality. This is because, a thousand good friend is not enough but one bad friend is too much. Negative influences have greater power of pulling people down where positive influences pull people up.

So to emerge as a highflier, you must be prepared to establish boundaries for yourself, in the area of time, sleep, appetite and relationship ,and you will see yourself emerge an academic star. You need not to choose indiscipline but only fail to choose discipline and you drift fast enough towards indiscipline. Discipline is the capital price you must pay to earn distinction tomorrow. You will not fail...

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