Wednesday, 15 June 2016


* Avoid a regular intake of junk food as they do more harm than good. Try to eat nutritious and balance meal.

* Avoid smoking because it destroys important organs of the body.

* Stimulant ( Drugs, caffeine), deter physical fitness.

* Refuse to be depressed. Be in charge always and motivate yourself.

* Disease in general, particularly heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other ailments are detrimental to physical fitness.

* stop excessive intake of alcohol.

Bible, the Holy book says " I wish you above all things that your soul mayest prosper even as you be in health. God wants you to be healthy and energetic. These are your vital ingredients for effective and efficient functioning. Be healthy and work as the Lord has commanded you.

Don't eat everything put in front of you . Be selective reject what you know will give too many calories. Slow down. Why hurry? Enjoy your meal by noticing what you are eating, the colours, the flavours, the interaction of foods. Listen to the body's signal that says, I'm full. I don't need any more.

Beware of the calories in what you are eating and drinking.

Note : Drinks can be a major source of calories, especially sweetened juices. Alcoholic drinks are also high in calories. Beware of those widely advertised soft drinks. Check the calories count on the label. You might be shocked.
Food manufacturers want you to eat more. Profit in their bottom line. They will try to exploit your weakness . Don't be taken in by their clever advertising and pretty pictures. You can say no!

Always eat your breakfast. If you skip breakfast, you are likely to concentrate less effectively in the late morning works, or study less efficiently, feel irritable and short tempered, or fall short of energy for afternoon ; for every filmsy excuse to skip breakfast, there is an even better reason to it.
Do not depend on alcohol and other drugs for stress management.

The use of alcohol and other drugs in an effort to reduce stress level actually contribute to stress in severe ways as the alcohol and other drugs wears off, the rebound effects makes the user feel very uncomfortable and stressed. Also proper diet should be taken to minimize stress.

Ensure you have adequate sleep successful management of stress and maintenance of good health, adequate sleep is important.

Don't kill yourself in a bid to perfect everything, do excellent jobs and God himself will perfect everything that concerns you.


you are not truly free until you've been made captive by your mission in life . Peak performers are people who are committed to a compelling mission. It is very clear that they care deeply about what they do and their efforts, energies, and enthusiasm are traceable back to that particular mission. Seek happiness for its own sake, and you will not find it ; seek for purpose and happiness will follow as a shadow comes with the sunshine . As you reach for your destiny, it will be like a magnet that pulls you, not like a brass ring that only goes around once, destiny draws. Be committed to a course.

Commitment has to do with giving up one's self responsible for a particular undertaking. That which consumes you is what you are committed to. What do you do and how do you care about doing it.?

I look at a committed person as he who has decided to be strong enough for a particular exploit(s) that he wants to do. He who has made up his mind to be true to discharging his functions ; There is dignity in labour, go to work, whether it is raining or sun is shining. Don't allow anything to stop you. Be very ready to do it until you achieve a desired results, face every challenge that is associated with your work or course for living . Don't give up! Your miracle is on the way, it is not yet over until it is finally over.


The different kinds of self resignation to fate ( destiny). The various types of concern one shows to what ever work he is doing. It is also called commitment measurement .

They are as follows :

1. PERSONAL COMMITMENT : Whoever single handedly pushes forward towards doing a particular job / work to achieve a desired aim is said to be personally committed.

2. WEAK COMMITMENT : When one level of commitment is half way and not properly rooted. The fellow seems to be sluggish and reluctant in discharging functions.

3. GROUP COMMITMENT : This occurs when a group of persons have collectively taken a stand to have something achieved.

4. STRONG COMMITMENT : One is said to be strongly committed when he is persistently throwing weight towards giving destiny it's requirements for the manifestation of the good works every destiny is associated with.

5. TOTAL COMMITMENT : When one is all round committed to a course, such person is said to be totally committed. I'm talking about when one has absolutely sold out himself to fate without any form of self reservation .

Note : As soon as you resign yourself to fate, your resignation is promptly accepted. You don't have a fate, you have a purpose. Everybody alive has a destiny . BE ON A MISSION.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Physical fitness is the ability to carry out one's physical activities without undue fatigue or tiredness and still have ample reserved energy to face unforseen emergencies and enjoy leisure time pursuit.

Fitness is not all about being slim, trim or even muscular but being able to cope with physical activities of daily living. Physical fitness is the body's capacity to actively engage in work and protect itself against infection, diseases and the effect of physical discomfort such as stress, cold, heat. It also implies a person having enough energy to cope with daily activities without getting undue tired, and energy to cope with emergencies as I have already said.

An individual who is physically fit can work properly in whatever capacity because the muscles are flexible and well strengthened.

Above all, longevity is assured when you are physically fit. A person must observe six things. These are cardio- Respiratory endurance or Aerobic capacity, body structure, body composition, body balance, both muscular, flexibility and strength are body structure, flexible and strong muscles, healthy heart and lungs, a good ratio of body fat to learn body mass and finally good balance.

A physical fitness programme is essential to be able to make up your body for the rest of your life.
Exercise with specified duration, intensity, and frequency which bears on all the six component of physical fitness. It includes a line up of physical activity that touches all the fitness requirements.
This can be as simple as walking a particular distance, swimming, jogging , skipping or even climbing a flight of stairs . Exercising in the gymnasium is also good particular for people with tight work schedules.

According to the assistant chief physiotherapist in the national orthopedic hospital, igbobi, Lagos state, Nigeria, Mrs Ademike sonuyi, majority of Nigeria are not physically fit due to various reasons. One of the reasons is that average Nigerian do not adhere to the important rule of making every meal a balanced diet. The Nigeria economy is also not helping the situation as schedules of majority of the private and some public parastatals, give no room for recreation is one factor that discourage people when it comes to commencing a fitness programme.
More so, Nigeria roads are so constructed that there is no provision for walking as means of exercising the body, she added .

" it is however necessary to consult a physiotherapist before embarking on a physical fitness programme. These professional are uniquely qualified to develop personalized conditioning programmes to promote fitness and avoid injury." when you see a physiotherapist, the state of your health is first ascertained and then a physical fitness programme that suit you developed ".