Saturday, 30 April 2016


A young man was fishing. When he caught a big fish, he will use his stick to measure the fish. If the fish is longer than the stick, he will throw it back to the sea. If the stick is bigger than the the fish, he will put it in his basket. He was doing this for a long time, and some body was watching him, after a long time the man decided to ask him the reason for doing what he was doing, the man asked "what is your philosophy for doing this". His answer was "there is no philosophy in it, I use the stick to measure the fish because that was : the size of my frying pan. So many people have missed great opportunities because of their little thinking and imagination," as a man thinketh in his heart so he is ". Are you  like this young Fisher man that your imagination cannot tell you that you those big fishes can be cut into 2 or 3.
  The level of your success is determined by the worth of your decision. No matter your situation or present conditions, you can choose to be a success by your decisions. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Your present condition can only be a stepping-stone to your greatness, if you can see beyond it. A study of 300 highly successful people, Franklin, Deleen, Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Winton Churchill, Albert schweitzer, Albert Einstein reveals that one fourth had physical handicap such as blindness or crippled limbs, born into poverty or come from broken homes. All these people were able to overcome because they see beyond their present conditions. Your destiny is not determined by your defeat but by your decision.
   You should not limit your imagination with fear, sister's many tricky said" fear is faith that it won't work out ". Most people believe their doubt and doubt their beliefs :it's not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult" (seneca). Be driven by excellence. Theodore Roosevelt conclude it by saying "the chief factor in any man's success or failure must be his own character.
      So never underestimate the power of your thoughts, imagination or decision for they can be an underlying factor to your success